“I know what my Mommy and Daddy do is very important, so I am happy to be a part of their team! My favorite parts of the day are scratches in the morning from my office people, my highly-anticipated dental bone at lunchtime, and telling Mommy when it’s time to wrap up and go home for snuggles.”

Mali Richter, Chief Stress Reliever

Mali Richter is responsible for all things snuggly and squeaky. Since her start at Transit Team in 2012, she has taken her role very seriously. From her daily greetings in the morning to our office staff, to her sharp intuition for when someone is having a bad day, this dog delivers much needed smiles and stress relief when the going gets tough. She consistently brings a sense of calm with her wiggly butt and wet kisses, and on the rare occasion that she’s “out of the office,” things are just a little off!